What lies between natural and super natural? Probably a new pair of Jordans.
What’s New
JT Parr: There’s No “I” in Team, but There is an “I” in Steroids
The other half of Chad Goes Deep, JT Parr, shows us how to write an inspirational movie, stop masturbating 4 times a day, survive at sea without being eaten by Graham.
Ari Mannis: Never Pay for Your Date’s Roach Traps
Ari has watched a video recording of his own birth as is still able to function as an adult. Sorry weirdos, all his fetishes are pretty common.
Ry Doon: First You Get the Psoriasis, Then You Get the Power
Ry Doon did this podcast as part of his Community Service and despite what he did to Courtney Love, we still think he’s a sweet boy.
Use Protection Whenever Sharing Your Wifi with a Stranger
Inhaling ozone gas is a great way to shorten your lifespan